Social activities

Several social events will be arranged for 27NKG delegates.
Welcome and closing receptions will be included in the conference package. Information can be subject to change.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Welcome reception at Aula Medica
Time: 18.00
Price: Free. Pre-registration is required
The president of Karolinska Institutet, Annika Östman Wernerson welcomes delegates, and drinks with snacks will be served during the mingle.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Morning run (3/5 km)
Time: 07.00
Price: Free. Pre-registration is required
Meet the group in front of the Carolina Tower Hotel
Read more about the event morning run.

Congress dinner at Münchenbryggeriet
Time: 19.00
Price: 800 SEK per ticket. Pre-registration is required
Read more about the event Congress dinner.

Friday 14 June 2024

Morning outdoor gym with KI Health Promotion
Time: 07.00
Price: Free. Pre-registration is required
Meet the group in front of the main entrance of Aula Medica
Read more about the event morning outdoor gym session.

Morning walk among Nobel Prize winners
Time: 07.00
Price: Free. Pre-registration is required
Meet the group in front of the Carolina Tower Hotel
Read more about the event morning walk.

Picture of Stockholm.
NKG 2024 - showing various meeting locations

Contact us

Congress Secretariat: Academic Conferences

Support abstract questions

Phone +46 18 67 10 34 or +46 18 67 10 03

Important dates

2 October 2023 - Abstract submission and registration open

29 November 2023 - Deadline abstracts for symposia

15 January 2024 - Notification for accepted symposia

25 January 2024 - Deadline oral presentations and posters

26 February 2024 - Notification for accepted oral and poster presentation

26 February 2024 - Deadline for submission of individual abstracts within accepted symposia

8 March 2024 - End of Early Bird registration

15 May 2024 - Deadline to register with an accepted presentation

12-14 June 2024 Congress dates

